Choose Your Fighter

Hey! I'm Alia

  • 19

  • she/they

  • lesbian

  • poc

  • autism + adhd

  • final fantasy enjoyer


Final Fantasy: IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XIII, XV, TYPE-0, FFBE
Kingdom Hearts
Resident Evil
Devil May Cry


If you fall under basic dni criteria, i.e. racist, homophobic...just don't be a dick

If you support that bi/pan/straight lesbian shit

If you're frequently involved in ff7 ship drama (i'm tired)

If you hate kairi kingdom hearts

If you're a proshipper/believe fiction doesn't affect reality

My Favs

FF: Terra, Celes, Locke, Cloud, Aerith, Tifa, Yuffie, Squall, Rinoa, Zidane, Vivi, Garnet, Kuja, Yuna, Rikku, Tidus, Lightning, Serah, Lunafreya, Aranea, Noctis, Cecil, Kain, Rydia, Bartz, Faris, Ace, Rem, Seven, Queen, Fina

KH: Aqua, Xion, Namine, Kairi, Sora, Riku, Roxas, Vanitas, Ava

RE: Jill, Claire, Leon, Ada, Sherry, Carlos

DMC: Vergil. Dante, Nero, Lady

NIER: 2B, A2, 9S

SHIPS: Aerti, Tiduna, Celes/Locke, Namixi